Welcome to St Lawrence Church, Barnwood.
We are the Church of England Parish Church for the communities of Barnwood and Abbeymead in Gloucester.
We are a community of Christians, from different walks of life, of different ages and stages of faith. Our aim is to grow as followers of Jesus Christ, loving God and one another and sharing the good news of Jesus with those around us.
We welcome people of all ages, of any religious background or none, and pray that you will come to know and share the love of Jesus.
Rev. Rob Crofton, Vicar
Find out more about what Christians believe here.
Special event at St Lawrence, Barnwood - Christian Author Jo Swinney to speak!
Thursday 13th February, 7.30 - 9.00pm.
Refreshments served from 7.00pm
START is a great course helping people to explore God, Jesus and the journey of life in six DVD-based, interactive small-group sessions.
The current Course is underway on Tuesday evenings: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th January and 4th, 11th February, from 7.30-8.45pm, in the Church Centre.
Please look out for the dates of the next course, and for any questions contact our Vicar, Rev. Rob Crofton, at rob.crofton@tiscali.co.uk
Explore Creation is a nature themed activity for children (2-12 years old) and families, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month, from 9.45 - 11.15am.
We go outside to follow nature trails, explore Bible stories, try out different wildlife arts, crafts and games, and enjoy refreshments. Parents/carers are welcome to stay but school-aged children may be dropped off. The sessions run in parallel with the morning service at church. For more info or to sign up for our sessions, please contact Petra: petravanrijssen@gmail.com (01452 668761) All welcome!
Next session: Sunday 26th January 2025!
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
If you are interested in a Christening or a Wedding, please contact our Parish Office for up-to-date information on 01452 372731 or stlawrencebarnwood@outlook.com.
The following websites also have more information:
Christenings: https://churchofenglandchristenings.org/
Weddings: https://www.yourchurchwedding.org/
Parish Office
New Contact Hours from January 2025
From January 2025, the Parish Office working hours will be Tuesday to Thursday mornings, 9.00am–12.00noon. The Office will be open for drop-in or phone enquiries on Wednesday mornings, 9.00am – 12noon. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings you will be able leave an answerphone message or send an email, and these will be dealt with promptly. Many thanks for your understanding!
If you would like to join our church email distribution list and receive a weekly update email, please contact the church office by telephone or email.
Email: stlawrencebarnwood@outlook.com
Tel. 01452 372731
Church Facebook Page
For up to date news and events, please see our Facebook page: https://en-gb.facebook.com/stlawrencechurchbarnwood/
Tel: Parish Office 01452 372731
Email: stlawrencebarnwood@outlook.com
Rev Rob Crofton, Vicar