There are several ways you can give towards the work of St Lawrence Church in sharing the love of Jesus in this part of Gloucester.
To become a regular giver, or to make a one-off donation to St Lawrence, please use our Parish Giving Scheme web page:
Please click on this link:
This will allow you to make a one-off donation, or to set up a regular gift.
It's easy to use. You can set up your own account and manage your regular giving. Your gift goes directly to St Lawrence Barnwood, with Gift Aid, and you can opt to increase your gift annually with inflation, if you wish.
For other ways of giving see the St Lawrence Giving leaflet (July 2020).
If you are a UK tax payer, there is also a Gift Aid form you can fill in so we can claim Gift Aid on any donations you make.
With many thanks for all you can contribute.
Rev. Rob Crofton